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Pangkalan Bun is the capital of West Kotawaringin in the Central Kalimantan. Pangkalan Bun formerly known with the name “Pangkalanbuun” that means harbor (base) in the Buun riverside. There are diverse ethnic groups in the Pangkalan Bun such as; Javanese, Malay, Dayak and Chinese made Pangkalan Bun not only rich in the culture sector but also in the historical side.

This city was occupied by the Kotawaringin Kingdom Ratu Prince after the Kotawaringin Palace has long been abandoned in the year of 1841. The Palace in Pangkalan Bun is well-known as Yellow Palace that you could visit as one of the chosen tourist attractions in Pangkalan Bun.

One of the major Pangkalan Bun attractions for the tourists, all domestic or international, is the Tanjung Puting National Park. Tanjung Puting National Park is the place for Orangutan conservation. You could also visit the Tanjung Keluang Taman Wisata Alam where it is known for its hawksbill conservation.

For some of you who love the beautiful beach sceneries, don’t forget to visit the Kubu Beach. As this beach is the gate to take you to the Tanjung Keluang. In Beach Kubu we can witness the vivid sunrise and not to forget to dig the diverse delicious seafood.


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