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Located in the heart of Indonesia’s cruise lines, Makassar is a trade center in the eastern part of Indonesia. The city which formerly known as Ujung Pandang is known for its distinctive culinary delights, such as Coto Makassar, Sop Konro, Pallubasa, Pallubutung, Pisang Epe, Barongko, Kapurung and Jalangkote.

Makassar, which is the capital of South Sulawesi province, is also famous for its natural charm and history. You can walk around Fort Rotterdam, a magnificent and charming legacy of the Sultanate of Gowa. Or you can pay a visit to Pantai Losari, Pantai Akarena, Pantai Barombong, Pulau Samalona, Pulau Kapoposang and Pulau Khayangan where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of its beach.

Besides Makassar, you can also enjoy another charm of South Sulawesi in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park which is known as a paradise of butterflies, or the exotic Rammang-Rammang in Karst Maros Pangkep. Don’t forget to spare your time to visit Tana Toraja where you can witness a very distinctive culture of Toraja, one prime tourist destination in South Sulawesi.

South Sulawesi has a population of about 8.3 million, and has a diverse range of ethnic groups; the Makassarese, Buginese, Toraja, Mandarese and Butonese. In addition to these ethnic, there are ethnic immigrants from Java, Sumatera, and Chinese.

The endless charm of nature, culture, history, and culinary make Makassar never empty of visitors.


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