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Sabang is a city located at the far western tip of Indonesia. Located in Pulau Weh (Weh Island), Sabang is the capital of the administrative area of Sabang Municipality, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

Despite its small geographical area, Sabang is known for having a lot of interesting tourist spots that are spread widely from the mainland of Pulau Weh up to some spectacular underwater spots around the island.

Pantai Iboih and Gapang (Iboih and Gapang Beach) will offer you beautiful underwater scenery and friendly fishes that like to get extremely close to divers making this a perfect place you can bring your whole family to enjoy. You can spot many exotic and beautiful beach resorts during a tour around Pulau Rubiah (Rubiah Island). Pantai Sumur Tiga (Three Wells Island) can give you a sense of tranquility with its white sand beach and coconut trees.

Pulau Weh has more than 20 diving spots with the uniqueness of each. One of the most popular spots and considered rare compared to other spots in the world is "Underwater Volcano” where the divers will feel the sensation of diving in warm sea and air bubbles coming out from under the sea as a result of volcanic activity, which is certainly safe to discover.

In the northwest of Pulau Weh there is Pulau Rondo (Rondo Island), a famous and favorite fishing spot of the anglers, where they can get the thrill of fishing in strong currents.

Your visit to Sabang would not be complete if you don’t visit Monument of Kilometer Zero of Indonesia, Indonesia's westernmost point. You can take a certificate of Kilometer Zero on one of hawkers around the monument at an affordable price. Sabang also has several sites of historic buildings such as Japanese Fortress and some other old buildings that are still maintained until now.

Sabang where the wonderful Indonesia starts from.


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