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Surabaya is the provincial city in East Java which is located on the northern shore of eastern Java at the mouth of the Mas River and along the edge of the Madura Strait. Surabaya is also known as “city of heroes” due to the Battle of Surabaya history during the Indonesian National Revolution. The city is also known as the birthplace of Indonesia’s first President, Soekarno.

There are many interesting places and attractions that you can visit and explore during your stay in Surabaya. One of the main favorite spots is Suramadu Bridge; a bridge with almost 5,500 meter long that connects Surabaya with Madura. This bridge is also recorded as the longest bridge in Indonesia. If you are on a holiday with your kids, enjoy the thrill fun at Ciputra Waterpark located in west Surabaya. Don’t forget to also visit Surabaya Zoo on Setail Road, or visit the House of Sampoerna or Submarine monument and Hero Monument. If you love adventures in the nature’s wild side, visit Mangrove Forest in Wonorejo. Located far away from the city’s hustle and bustle, you can enjoy the tranquility of the nature by walking down the wooden bridge or taking a boat.

Taman Bungkul which is located in Raya Darmo Road can also be included in your list of places to go during your visit to Surabaya. This park is famously known as a gathering place for all the local people. There’s a playing area for children, jogging track, amphitheater, skateboard track, even internet connection! Before going back home, don’t forget to taste the local delicious food such as Lontong Balap, Tahu Campur, Sate Klopo or Tahu Tek.


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