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Public awards Garuda Indonesia for their role in offering the best in passenger experience

(ANAHEIM, CALIF. USA) – Garuda Indonesia has been named a winner of the 2014 Passenger Choice Awards in the category of Best in Region: Asia and Australasia. The traveling public selects airlines to recognize at the global awards program based on their service, products and innovations.

“In 13 languages and available around the globe, the Passenger Choice Awards is by far one of the most impressive and comprehensive passenger surveys of its kind,” said Dominic Green, APEX Events & EXPO chair. “It’s a huge benefit to the airline industry to have this kind of candid data at their fingertips, and it’s the passengers who ultimately benefit from it.”

Garuda Indonesia was honored 15 September at the annual APEX Awards Ceremony in Anaheim, Calif. USA. A total of 13 awards covering a range of categories were given to individual airlines based on customer response.  The ceremony emcee was BBC World News Anchor Laura Trevelyan.

The 2015 awards cycle will be open in May and June. The public is invited to vote at www.passengerchoiceawards.com. Become a fan of the Passenger Choice Awards on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

About the Passenger Choice Awards
The Passenger Choice Awards were created by the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) to give voice to airline passengers. APEX encompasses a network of professionals that are committed to providing an outstanding airline experience for passengers around the globe. For an opportunity to weigh in, visit www.passengerchoiceawards.com to vote and be sure to visit the Passenger Choice Awards fan page on Facebook.


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