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Banyuwangi, Indonesia
8°13'57"S, 114°21'27.18"E.
Blimbingsari Airport
GMT +7:00
Indonesia Rupiah
Go Explore 

Located beautifully in the easternmost part of the island of Java, Banyuwangi as the largest district in East Java. No wonder if the truth be told for this area to hold such natural charm that amazes the visitors. Want to visit Banyuwangi? Make sure you bring your warm clothes when you want to visit the Ijen Plateau, with the summit of Raung Mountain and Mount Merapi, famous for its craters.

In addition to the mountain area, in Banyuwangi you can also visit the cemetery in the south which is a relic since the days of the Dutch East Indies. This area is Meru Betiri National Park. Interested in seeing turtle breeding? Make sure you stop by Sukamade Beach and East Coast Banyuwangi (Bali Strait) : one of the largest fish producers in East Java.

Every year, Banyuwangi organizes cultural activities named Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival as this year will be in July. Make sure you don’t miss watching a series of arts, culture, fashion and sports tourism activities that will take you to other-worldly element.


  • Hotel Santika 1st Floor, Jl. Letjen S Parman 15, Banyuwangi, (62-333) 410999
  • Banyuwangi International Airport, Jl Agung Wilis Kec. Rogojampi, Banyuwangi, (62-333) 630777, 632999

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