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Manokwari, Indonesia
Rendani Manokwari Airport
GMT +9:00
Indonesian Rupiah

Manokwari is located right on the bird's head on the island of Papua. Manokwari Regency has its own characteristics and has a very enchanting natural beauty. Manokwari Regency is one of the districts in West Papua with an area of 1,356,944 Km2 with the second largest population after Sorong City. And it is one of the historical places for Christians in Papua.

The beautiful natural panorama of Manokwari with its very exotic mountains and beaches makes tourist attractions in Manokwari visited by many foreign and domestic tourists as an exciting holiday spot. Here are some tourist attractions in Manokwari that must be visited:

  1. Amban Beach.
    Amban Beach is a beach with black sand and charming waves, which is located about 4 km from Manokwari, which is next to Tanjung Batu, where the waves are quite heavy. On this beach you can see the beautiful sunset above the horizon. Sunset on this beach is like a very beautiful natural painting.
  2. Lake Anggi.
    Lake Anggi is a 2,000 hectare natural beautiful lake located in the Anggi sub-district, which is 30 minutes from Manokwari city by using a Cessna aircraft.
  3. Bakaro Beach.
    Bakaro Beach is located next to the North coast of Manokwari which has a unique tradition of calling the fish in the sea, which is usually done by local fishermen to attract tourists. Usually they call the fish in the sea with a whistle made of chili shells carrying food so that the fish will approach by themselves.
  4. Arfak Mountains.
    Arfak Mountains is a protected nature reserve area. Visiting this place, you will really feel satisfied, because you can enjoy a very cool, beautiful natural panorama with forests, valleys and there are 320 types of birds that are there. Traditional villages and their people who are still living in the stone age will make you feel at home for a long time there.
  5. Table Mountain Tourism Forest.
    It said Table Mountain Tour because from a distance this mountain looks like a table. It is located about 2 kilometers from the city of Manokwari. This tourist area is perfect for lovers of hicking sports, family picnics and nature research. In this Table Mountain Tourism Area, a Japanese Monument has also been built which is a memorial to the Japanese army landing in Manokwari during World War II.

Garuda Indonesia Manokwari Office:

  • Rendani Manokwari Airport, Sowi, Manokwari Selatan, Kab. Manokwari, Papua Barat (98315)
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