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Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Sjamsudin Noor Airport
GMT +8:00
Indonesia Rupiah

Banjarmasin is a city that’s located in the East side of Kalimantan Island and it is sometimes called as “The Thousand River City.” This city covers an area of 98,46 km2 and is a delta or archipelago, that consist around 25 little islands (delta) that are split by the rivers such as Tatas Island, Kelayan Island, Rantauan Keliling Island, Insan Island and etc.

As a part of the biggest islands in the world, Banjarmasin has plenty of attractions for those who would love to pay a visit. As soon as you step your feet to the land in Banjarmasin, you could right away taste the characteristic culinary wonders such as Soto Banjar, Ketupat Kandangan, Mie Bancir, Manday, Pakasam and many other delish vittles.

For tourism destinations, Pasar Terapung (Floating Market) could be your best bet, as to the witnessing of unique market transactions, floating above the river by using their boat directly. You also could have a shot at doing the buying transactions and making a bid with the merchant.

For the souvenirs that you might want to bring home, there exists Banjar Batik fabric, called Sasirangan as the top-notch preference. You also could pay a visit The Village of Sasirangan to get this uniquely ethnic sense of art on sheets of fabric.

Ayo lajui bebuhan pian ke Banjarmasin kota seribu sungai!

(Come and visit Banjarmasin, The Thousand River City!)



  • Syamsudin Noor Airport, 08115190022
  • Jl. MH Hasanuddin No. 31, (62-511) 3366747/58747
  • Whatsapp Service : +62 811-500-807
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