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Enjoy Medan as one of your culinary destinations in Indonesia. Medan is famously known by its diverse local food such as Bolu Meranti (like a sponge cake), Durian Pancake, Rujak Deli, Tiptop restaurant famous dish, Mie Titi Bobrok and Sate Bata.

Medan is the provincial capital in North Sumatera that also famous for its natural spots and cultural activities. Who has not heard of Toba Lake and Samosir Island, Linting Lake, Sipiso-piso Tongging Waterfall, Sibolangit Waterfall or the exquisite Maimun Palace and Mesjid (mosque) Raya Medan. You can also visit one of the Orang Utan’s rehabilitation center in Bukit Lawang, Langkat or enjoy the breeze weather at Berastagi.

The residents of North Sumatera, which is around 12 million people, consist of five main ethnic groups and languages namely the Malay People living along the coast of Selat Malaka, Batak, Angkola or Mandailing of South Tapanuli, and the islands off the west coast of Nias. Each has its own dialect, religion/beliefs, arts, customs and culture of its own trademark. The biggest ‘newcomers’ ethnic groups that become part of the people who live in Medan and other cities in North Sumatera are Chinese and Indians.

One of the historical and cultural activities that you should visit during your stay in Medan is one managed by the social entrepreneur, Medan Heritage. 

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