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To comply with the Government Regulation No 45/2014, Visa on Arrival (VoA) fee will increase July 3, 2014. More detailed information on the policy can be found below.

  1. Government Regulation No 45/2014 regarding the change of Cost of Immigration Services.
  2. The Immigration Fee charged for the immigration services will change in accordance with Government Regulation No 45/2014 issued on May 30, 2014 which states the Types and Tariffs of Non-tax Revenue applied for in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
  3. It is hereby informed that the Visa on Arrival (VoA) Fee will increase from $25,- to $35,-, effective on July 3, 2014.
  4. However, the current sticker is still the old one as the information on procurement of the new sticker will be provided by the Immigration Main Office.
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