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Starting on January 13th, 2015, Garuda Indonesia imposes on the validity period for several sub-classes ticket of General Pax in all Domestic flights served by Garuda Indonesia. The provisions changed include:

Sub Class Ticket Validity
Before Now
J 6 months 3 months
C 6 months 3 months
D 1 month 1 month
I 1 month 1 month
Y 6 months 3 months
B 4 months 1 month
M 3 months 1 month
K 2 months 1 month
N 1 month 1 month
Q 10 days 10 days
T 10 days 10 days
V 7 days 7 days
S 7 days 7 days
H 7 days 7 days
L Fixed date and flight Fixed date and flight
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