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The Strategic Business Unit (SBU) is an independent business unit within the company that focuses on resource-optimization to achieve maximum company value by providing products and services to internal and third party customers.


Garuda Sentra Medika Business Unit (GSM SBU)

The primary function of GSM SBU is to facilitate the health and well-being of every on-duty cockpit and cabin crew as well as ensuring the safety of each flight. By conducting this function, we believe, this will result to better security sense of Garuda Indonesia passengers when they travel with Garuda Indonesia. To support those objectives, GSM engages in maintaining healthy conditions of Air Crews to be in accordance to the regulation of ICAO Annex 9 and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) Part 67 and Part 183 concerning health maintenance programs by airline operators.

GSM SBU Address:
Jalan Angkasa Blok B15 Kav.1, Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10610

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