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There are lots of unique tourist hot spots that you can visit during your stay in Guangzhou, China. Yeuxiu Park, for example, is the biggest recreational garden in Guangzhou City. In this park, you can see the Five Goats statue, which is a symbol of this city. Green parks, bamboos and blossomed flowers will definitely freshen your sight. Chen Family Ancestral Temple is a temple built as part of the collective effort of members of Chen Family who live in 72 different countries in Guangdong Province. This temple is built to honor their great ancestors. Nowadays, the temple has turned into Guangdong Folk Craftwork Museum.

The temple of Six Banyan Trees is one of the four Buddhist temples in Guangzhou. A majestic building surrounded by trees and housed variety of antique collections as well as valuable legacies from the ancient history, is definitely one of the spots you must visit. By nightfall, you can enjoy the city by taking a water tour from White Goose Pool to Guangzhou Bridge. The scenery along this tour is stunning with giok water and colorful lights along the river coast. Don’t forget to watch Cantonese Opera, one of the main Chinese opera in the city. This traditional art form involves singing, acting, martial arts and acrobatic. Most of the story plots are based on the ancient classical and mythical Chinese history.

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