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On Saturday, 21st August 2021, GarudaMiles-Kitabisa flew Zahwa (3 years), a toddler with kidney disease, from Pontianak to Jakarta with her parents. Zahwa must immediately conduct more in-depth examination and receive further treatment regarding his illness at RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.

Zahwa is diagnosed with a “leak” on her kidney. At first, Zahwa often had stomachaches, and his parents thought it was just an ordinary pain. However, since it happened repeatedly, Zahwa's parents finally checked her to the hospital.

Zahwa finally had to have treatment at the hospital because her body continued to swell up including his genitals. Zahwa must also get an albumin injection.

At that time, Zahwa and her parents did not have BPJS, so Zahwa's parents were confused to pay the treatment fee, considering that Zahwa's father was only an online motorcycle taxi driver. Fortunately, Zahwa's parents got help from a humanitarian organization to pay off the hospital fees.

After being hospitalized, it turns out that Zahwa's condition is getting worse. Zahwa had to be referred to a Jakarta Hospital for more intensive treatment. According to the doctor, Zahwa no longer has immunity, so Zahwa's body is now very sensitive when exposed to viruses.

Through the cooperation of GarudaMiles and Kitabisa, Zahwa finally left for Jakarta and received further treatment. Currently, Zahwa is in the RSCM Jakarta and has undergoing treatment.

If you want to donate further for Zahwa treatment, click https://kitabisa.com/campaign/badanzahwamembengkak


GarudaMiles-Kitabisa flew another recipient of Miles Donation on Sunday, October 17, 2021. This time for Arsyila, who suffered a leaky heart valve in Balikpapan.

When Arsyila is sick and need a lot of medical expenses, Arsyila's father was laid off from his job and forced to do odd jobs, while Arsyila’s mother was a fulltime mother. Although most of the hospital costs are paid by BPJS, the costs for treatment and travel to the hospital have to be worked out on their own.

And now, Adik Arsyila is required to has operation on RS Jantung Harapan Kita, Jakarta.

For Mr. Laode's family, visiting Jakarta is not an easy thing, especially because of economic factors. For the first operation, Pak Laode spent 50 million rupiah which he got from the help of friends and fundraising from volunteers. The house they have lived in for years has been sold for life and Arsyila's medical expenses. Currently, Mr. Laode and his small family are staying at Uncle Arsyila's house which is still half finished in Sangasanga.

Through the cooperation of GarudaMiles and Kitabisa, Arsyila and her parents finally left to Jakarta. Currently, Arsyila is in RS Jantung Harapan Kita, Jakarta to receive further treatment.

If you want to donate further for Arsyila treatment,click https://kitabisa.com/bantubiayaoperasijantungadikarsyila

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