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Once again GarudaMiles members lend their help in sending off 75 Pengajar Muda (Young Teachers) from the Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar to 10 districts in various areas of Indonesia.

Sangalian Jato, one of the Pengajar Muda sent on June 2014, comments on this departure with Garuda Indonesia. "Flying with Garuda Indonesia to my placement area is very satisfying. In addition to its complete entertainment facility which doesn't make a long flight feel tedious, the services from the cabin crews are very good, especially to those of us with a lot of luggage".

Thank you to the contributing GarudaMiles members for your aid in seding Pengajar Muda to various corners of Indonesia. Together with the Pengajar Muda, students, teachers, headmasters, and other stakeholders, let us keep developing and safeguarding Indonesia's education.

Donate your mileage, and together we advance the education in Indonesia by sending more Pengajar Muda to the furthest corner of Indonesia.

Witness the change you have made at Indonesiamengajar.org. For more information, please call Garuda Indonesia Contact Center at 0804 1 807 807 or (021) 2351 9999.

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