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新型コロナウイルス関連の大切なお知らせ 5




  • 日本到着時前14日以内に大韓民国の「大邱広域市」及び「慶尚北道清道郡」における滞在歴がある外国人
  • 日本到着時前14日以内に中華人民共和国湖北省又は浙江省における滞在歴がある外国人
  • 中華人民共和国湖北省又は浙江省発行の中国旅券を所持する外国人










  1. 中華人民共和国に滞在及び在住でインドネシア訪問査証及び一次在留査証を申請する人は以下の条件に同意する事で当該査証を付与するとともに,インドネシア当局の健康診断の後,新型コロナウイルスに感染していないことが確認されれば入国が認められる
  2. インドネシアに入国する日以前の14日間に中国に滞在・訪問した外国人への査証免除措置及び入国時一次在留査証(ビザ・オン・アライバル)の発給は一時的に停止する
  3. 上記に該当しない場合でも弊社便/弊社航空券でインドネシア以遠をご利用になる場合、当該国での入国制限に該当する旅客についても同様の取扱いとなります。





  • 日本到着時前14日以内に大韓民国の「大邱広域市」及び「慶尚北道清道郡」における滞在歴がある外国人
  • 日本到着時前14日以内に中華人民共和国湖北省又は浙江省における滞在歴がある外国人
  • 中華人民共和国湖北省又は浙江省発行の中国旅券を所持する外国人

Coronavirus Notification from Japanese Government

As of 27 February 2020, following travel restriction changes has been applied to passenger who would like to enter Japan.
Due to the spread of coronavirus infections, the range of foreigners who are not permitted to enter Japan was expanded according to the Cabinet Decision by the Government of Japan on the 26th February 2020. As a result, from the 27th February 2020, the following people are not permitted to enter Japan.

  1. Foreigners who have travelled to Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province in the People's Republic of China within 14 days prior to their arrival in Japan.
  2. Foreigners who have Chinese passports issued by Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province in the People's Republic of China.
  3. Foreigners who have travelled to Daegu Metropolitan City or Cheongdo county in North Gyeongsang Province in Republic of Korea within 14 days prior to their arrival in Japan.
  • (Note) The aforementioned category 3 is not applicable for foreigners who have departed overseas before February 27th 2020 0:00 (JST) and arrived in Japan on or after February 27th 2020 0:00 (JST).

Coronavirus Notification from Indonesia Government as of 1MAR20

As of 1 March 2020, following travel restriction changes has been applied to passenger who would like to enter Indonesia.

Article 2

Visa exemption and visa on arrival are temporarily stopped for foreigners who are have lived and/or visited China within 14 (fourteen) days before entering the Indonesian territory.

Article 3

(1) Visitor visas or temporary stay visas can be granted to any foreigners who apply for the visa at Indonesian missions in China.
(2) Requirements for the visa application are:
a. a not-contracted coronavirus medical statement issued by the local government's health authority (in English),
b. the applicants must have stayed for 14 (fourteen) days in areas in China which not affected by coronavirus outbreak,
c. statement of willingness to:
1. enter quarantine for 14 (fourteen) days in facilities provided by the Indonesian government, or
2. stop/transit for 14 (fourteen) days in other countries which not affected by coronavirus before entering the Indonesian territory
(3) Requirements for citizens of the People's Republic of China who apply for a visitor visa or temporary stay visa at Indonesian missions in countries which not affected by the coronavirus outbreak are:
a. a not-contracted coronavirus medical statement issued by the local government's health authority (in English),
b. the applicants must have stayed for 14 (fourteen) days in areas in China which not affected by coronavirus outbreak,
c. Statement of Willingness to:
1. Enter quarantine for 14 (fourteen) days in facilities provided by the Indonesian government, or
2. Stop/transit for 14 (fourteen) days in other countries which not affected by coronavirus before entering the Indonesian territory
(4) The applicant who failed to meet the requirements above, his application will be rejected.

For more detail, please refer to : the original policy Notice of No7 Year 2020 in Indonesian notice in Indonesia is here.


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