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新型コロナウイルス関連の大切なお知らせ 10




  • 日本を含むすべての外国人によるインドネシア訪問及びインドネシアでのトランジットを当面の間停止。
  • ただし、インドネシアの滞在許可(KITAS、KITAP、外交・公用滞在許可)の保持者等は、適正かつ有効な保健措置に留意した上で例外的に入国を認めるが、英文の健康証明書を持参し、感染が確認されていない国・地域に14日間滞在していること、入国後インドネシア政府による14日間の隔離・処置実施に同意する誓約書を提出する事。
  • 詳しくはインドネシア共和国No.305, 2020、インドネシア法務人権省令 2020年 No.11(インドネシア語)を確認下さい。



住所:大阪市北区中之島6-2-40 中之島インテンスビル22階

Coronavirus Notification from Indonesia Government as of 1st APR 2020

As of 1st April 2020, following travel restriction changes has been applied to passenger who would like to enter Indonesia.

Additional Measures of The Indonesian Government in Relation to Covid-19 Response 1st April 2020

Referring to the Minister of Law and Human Right Regulation No.11 of 2020 on the Temporary Restriction of Foreigners Entering Indonesia
The Temporary restriction of foreigners entering Indonesia
Temporary prohibits all foreigners from entering/transiting within the territory of The Republic of Indonesia. Exception for:

  1. Foreigners who hold Indonesian Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS) or Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP);
  2. Foreigners who hold Indonesian Diplomatic Visa or Service Visa;
  3. Foreigners who hold Indonesian Diplomatic Stay Permit or Service Stay Permit;
  4. Medical, food and humanitarian aid Support Workers;
  5. The crew of Means of Transport;
  6. Foreigners who work on a National Strategic Project;

A Foreigner who receives an exception to enter the Indonesian territory must provide the following requirements:

  1. A Certificate of Health (in English) issued by their local government’s health authority;
  2. The Foreigners must have stayed for 14 (fourteen) days in areas not affected by the COVID-19 outbreak before entering evidenced by an immigration stamp or boarding pass in below area
    Iran/ Italy/ Vatican/ Spain/ France/ German / Switzerland/ United Kingdom/ South Korea, Daegu City and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province/ Mainland China (Except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)
  3. A Statement letter of willingness to be quarantined 14 (fourteen) days in facilities provided by the Indonesian Government;

This regulation will enter into force on April 2nd, 2020, until further notice
For more detail, please refer to BN305-2020 (Indonesian Government notice PDF)


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