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新型コロナウイルス関連の大切なお知らせ 11





  1. 入国拒否対象地域の追加(法務省)
    • 入国拒否対象地域に新たに49か国・地域(注)を追加(日本国籍者は対象外)。
    • 全ての国及び地域からの入国者に対する検疫強化(日本国籍者も対象)。
    • これまで検疫措置、査証制限措置がとられていない全ての国・地域((注)の49か国・地域に含まれる国・地域を除く)に対する査証制限等(当該国に所在する日本大使館又は総領事館で4月2日までに発給された一次・数次査証の効力停止、査証免除措置の停止及びAPEC・ビジネス・トラベル・カードに関する取決めに基づく査証免除措置を停止)(日本国籍者は対象外)。
    • 外国との間の航空旅客便について、減便等による到着旅客数の抑制を要請

    (欧州)アイスランド、アイルランド、アルバニア*、アルメニア*、アンドラ、イタリア、英国*、エストニア、オーストリア、オランダ、北マケドニア*、キプロス*、ギリシャ*、クロアチア*、コソボ*、サンマリノ、スイス、スウェーデン、スペイン、スロバキア*、スロベニア、セルビア*、チェコ*、デンマーク、ドイツ、ノルウェー、バチカン、ハンガリー*、フィンランド*、フランス、ブルガリア*、ベルギー、ポーランド*、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ*、ポルトガル、マルタ、モナコ、モルドバ*、モンテネグロ*、ラトビア*、リトアニア*、リヒテンシュタイン、ルクセンブルク、ルーマニア* (中東)イスラエル*、イラン、エジプト*、トルコ*、バーレーン*

  2. 検疫の強化(厚生労働省)



  3. 到着旅客数の抑制(国土交通省・外務省)


  4. 査証の制限等(注3)(外務省)




Coronavirus Notification from Japanese Government

As of 1st of April 2020, following travel restriction changes has been applied to passenger who would like to enter Japan.

Measures by the Government of Japan

  1. Restricted area/regions to enter Japan
    Foreign nationals who hold following 49 countries and area passport and who have visited following countries/regions or areas within 14 days of arrival in Japan will not be able to land in Japan.
  • Additional designation of areas subject to the entry ban
    Designating the entire areas of 49 countries and regions listed below* as areas subject to the entry ban. Banning the entry of foreigners who have visited the areas within the last 14 days unless there are special circumstances.
    *Albania, Armenia, Israel, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Ecuador, Egypt, Australia, Canada, Republic of Korea, North Macedonia, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Kosovo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Singapore, Slovakia, Serbia, Thailand, Taiwan, Czech, China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Chile, Dominica, Turkey, New Zealand, Panama, Hungary, Bahrain, Philippines, Finland, Brazil, Bulgaria, Brunei, United States, Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bolivia, Poland, Malaysia, Moldova, Morocco, Montenegro, Mauritius, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania
    Note 1: As a consequence of the designation above, a total of 73 countries are subject to the entry ban.
    Note 2: Foreigners with the status of residence of "Permanent Resident", "Spouse or Child of Japanese National", "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" or "Long Term Resident", who have departed Japan with Re-entry Permission by April 2, will be treated as people in special circumstances in principle. That however is not applicable to foreigners who will depart Japan on and after April 3. It should be noted that "Special Permanent Resident" is not in the scope of the entry ban.
  • Strengthened quarantine
    (1) Conducting PCR tests for arrivals who have visited the countries and regions listed in paragraph 1 above within 14 days prior to their arrival to Japan. It should be noted that foreigners who have visited the countries which had been already designated as areas subject to the entry ban within 14 days prior to their arrival to Japan also need to undergo PCR tests as they are required now.
    (2) Calling upon people arriving from any country to wait 14 days at a location designated by a quarantine station chief and to refrain from using public transportation.
  • Reducing the number of passengers
    Requesting airline companies to curb the number of passengers by reducing the passenger flights and taking other measures if necessary in order to ensure the appropriate conduct of quarantine measures. However, appropriate consideration such as providing information and rousing attention will be given to overseas Japanese nationals and overseas travelers hoping to return home in order to facilitate the departure for home.
  • Visa restrictions
    (1) Suspending validity of single or multiple-entry visa issued by April 2 at Japanese Embassies or Consulates General located in any country or region except the countries and regions listed in paragraph 1 above. (Provisional Translation)
    (2) Suspending visa exemption measures for any relevant country or region except the countries and regions listed in paragraph 1 above.
    (3) Suspending validity of Pre-Clearance granted to APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) issued by any relevant country or region except the countries and regions listed in paragraph 1 above.
    Note 3: Already-implemented Visa restrictions, which have been decided at the 20th and 23rd Meeting of the Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters held on March 18 and 26 respectively, will remain in place until the last day of April.
    *The measures described in paragraphs 1 and 2 (1) above will be implemented from 0:00 am on April 3 (Japan Standard Time (JST)) and remain in place for a period. The measures will also be applied to those who will depart before the launch of these measures and arrive in Japan after their introduction.
    **The measures described in paragraph 2 (2) above will be applied to the passengers of aircrafts and ships which will arrive in Japan after 0:00 am on April 3 (JST), and be implemented until the last day of April. The period can be renewed.
    ***The measures described in paragraphs 3 and 4 above will be implemented from 0:00 am on April 3 (JST) until the last day of April. The period can be renewed.

For more details, please check in below;


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