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Bonus Program 10,000 GarudaMiles Redemption Livin'Poin Mandiri Credit Card Event Kompas Travel Fair

Bonus up to 10.000 GarudaMiles conversion Livin’poin Mandiri Credit Card Kompas Travel Fair Event is a program which customer get 50% GarudaMiles bonus if convert Livin’poin Credit Card Mandiri, maximum bonus that customers get will be 10.000 GarudaMiles.

Terms & Conditions Program Bonus Miles

  1. GarudaMiles Bonus scheme is as follows:
    Bonus Type Bonus Descriptions
    Bonus Conversion special at Event Kompas Travel Fair JCC 50% Max 10.000 GarudaMiles
  2. Maximum bonus 10.000 GarudaMiles.
  3. Customer only eligible to get 1x bonus during the program period.
  4. Bonus Miles eligible only for conversion in Kompas Travel Fair Event, JCC Senayan on 09-11 September 2022.
  5. Livin’poin Conversion conducted by EDC machines at Booth Mandiri.
  6. Booth Officer do the recapitulation of member who redeem their miles onsite. Mandatory fields are :
    • Card Number
    • GarudaMiles Number
    • GarudaMiles Name
    • Livin’poin Amount
  7. Booth Officer hands on the Customer Receipt to customer and save the copy for the Bank.
  8. Card that eligible to join this program are:

    World Elite Card and Priority Card
    Minimum conversion 1.000 Livin’poin = 1.000 GarudaMiles
    The next conversion 1.000 Livin’poin = 1.000 GarudaMiles (occur multiple)

    Signature Card and Golf Signature
    Minimum conversion 2.000 Livin’poin = 1.000 GarudaMiles
    The next conversion 2.000 Livin’poin = 1.000 GarudaMiles (occur multiple)

    Skyz, Platinum, Golf Platinum, Fengshui, Precious, dan Pertamina
    Minimum conversion 3.000 Livin’poin = 1.000 GarudaMiles
    The next conversion 3.000 Livin’poin = 1.000 GarudaMiles (occur multiple)

  9. Bonus Given Illustration :
    • Customers A users of Skyz convert 30.000 Livin’poin to 10.000 GarudaMiles, so customer will get bonus 5.000 GarudaMiles (10.000 x 50%)
    • Customer B users World Elite convert 30.000 Livin’poin to 30.000 GarudaMiles, so customers will get bonus 10.000 GarudaMiles sesuai nilai maksimal bonus (bukan 15.000 Miles)
  10. Inject GarudaMiles is given maximum H+5 after the conversion.
  11. Bonus is given H+30 after the program ends

GarudaMiles bonus period is 36 months after being credited

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