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Now You Can Have GarudaMiles Card in Your Hand


As a GarudaMiles member, it's not complete without having a GarudaMiles card in your hand.
As you get GarudaMiles e-card available in Fly Garuda Apps application, you can now have a physical GarudaMiles card as membership marker or as a collectible item.
Get a physical GarudaMiles card and show your card every time you make flight reservation, during check-in and when making transactions with our partner merchants


Term & Condition :

  1. GarudaMiles physical card can be given to all GarudaMiles membership regular tiers, based on the GarudaMiles member's request
  2. Card printing is given to GarudaMiles members domiciled in Indonesia only.
  3. Fee charged to GarudaMiles members for card is IDR 160,000 (including tax).
  4. Cards will be received by GarudaMiles members max. 14 working days after the payment process is completed.


Mechanism :

GarudaMiles members can get GarudaMiles card according to their membership level by submitting request via:

  1. Whatsapp Garuda Indonesia : 0811 2807 807 (for message only) or email to CS GarudaMiles at garudamiles@garuda-indonesia.com by providing the following information:
        • Name
        • GarudaMiles Numbers
        • Email address
        • No. HP that can be contacted
        • Card delivery address agreed by GarudaMiles members
  2. Garuda Indonesia Sales Office all over Indonesia.


Do not miss this opportunity. Get your GarudaMiles card now.

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Garuda Indonesia is the first Indonesian airline to join SkyTeam

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