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Jayapura, located in East Indonesia, is the capital and largest city in Papua, Indonesia. This city covers an area of 940 m2,  presents beautiful view combination of mountains landscape with blue water of pacific ocean.  Jayapura is the starting point for many travelers wanting to make the adventurous journey into the interior of Papua.

Journey to Jayapura it is all about best way to get your discover beautiful, exotic and unique place from how large is this region. For tourims destination, Danau (Lake) Sentani, is outside Jayapura city itself (30 minutes), a large freshwater lake surrounded by steep mountains. A small number of restaurants and guest houses are located on the edge of the lake. Hamadi Beach is a local harbour beach near the city with four large artillery embankments from the Second World War. Further down the beach are the local fish markets. The General MacArthur memorial is set on a hill overlooking Jayapura harbor and city. While the memorial itself is basic the steepness of the terrain makes the site a spectacular vantage point.

Papua is not only blessed with beautiful nature and rich natural resources. This most eastern province of Indonesia also has exquisite fauna, and one of them is Cendrawasih Bird. The bird which has a mix of more than three vibrant colors on their feathers are originated from this island, named The Bird of Paradise. However, you can see this beautiful creature in Jayapura Papua.

For the souvenirs, a number of local craft stores in District of Hamadi sell Papuan wood carvings, bark paintings, and other artefacts. Jayapura City Markets also sale for unique Papua clothes, Papua Batik, accessories, traditional food and it makes happy for an interesting walk around market. Jayapura is after all, gateway to your extraordinary exotic journey into one of the largest islands in Indonesia.


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