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If you are planning to visit Solo, make sure Pasar Klewer in Pakubuwono Street is on your list as the area of the market is filled with many shopping spots and some historical buildings, such as Keraton and Alun-Alun Kidul.

If you move toward the east side of city, Karanganyar, there are some other tourist attractions you should not miss, such as the famous Bengawan Solo River, Cetho Temple and Sukuh Temple. Or, if you are more into nature, you can enjoy the Tea Hills in Kemuning area while enjoying some local snacks there.

If you are hungry after strolling around the city, worry not, you can enjoy the rabbit satay in Sekipan, Tawangmangu.

Before you leave the city, don’t forget to visit Laweyan or Pusat Grosir Solo (PGS) to buy some batik clothes and souvenirs to bring back home for your families and friends.

Solo also holds some annual event that will make your visit even more memorable and exciting, such as Imlek Festival, Grebek Suro, Solo International Performing Art.

Left : Antique Shop, we call it Triwindu Market, Right : Batik Clothes in Pusat Grosir Solo (PGS)

Left : Morning View in Sekipan, Tawangmangu, Right : Bird Shop in Depok Traditional Market

Left : Manahan Statue in Gelora Manahan Stadium, Right : Annual Event, Imlek Festival around Pasar Gede and Jend. Urip Sumoharjo st.

Left : Rabbit Satay in Sekipan, Tawangmangu, Right : Jend. Soeharto’s Tomb, the Secondary President of Indonesia

Left : Kraton Kasunanan, Right : One of Pandawa Lima Statue in Solo Baru


Continue your adventure by visiting some of these unique places in Pacitan.

Maron River
Many tourists call Maron River as Pacitan’s very own Amazon River. Tourist can down the river of 4 km long that ends in Ngirboyo beach to enjoy the natural and beautiful scenes of the passing environment. The crystal clear water, fresh air, and trees of many different types can be found along this river.

Ngirboyo Beach
Located in Sendang Village of Donorojo, Pacitan, the enchanting part of Ngirboyo Beach is the black sands that dominate most of its coast. When exposed to sunlight, the black sands look shimmering; making this beach often called the black pearl. Ngirboyo Beach is also developed as an area for turtle conservation.

Gong Cave
Gong Cave with its beautiful stalactites and stalagmites, which is nominated as one of the most beautiful caves in Southeast Asia, is able to amaze domestic and foreign tourists. Gong Cave has four sendang (pool) that are often considered magical for anyone who believes it.


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