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Tarakan is the largest city in the North Kalimantan. Tarakan itself originally came from the Tidung Language that “Tarak” means meet and “Ngakan” means eating, so Tarakan could literally interpreted as the “place where the fishermen come to take a rest for eating, meeting and up until making a trading with other fisherman’s caught goods.”

Here are some of the tourist attractions that you could visit during your stay at Tarakan City:

Amal Beach

Located at the East Tarakan sub-district, Amal beach serves the vivid view of azure seas and a field of coconut trees. Suitable for the getaway-goers.

Round House Museum

Uniquely round shaped museum, located just beside the building of Tarakan City’s Regional House of Representative. This museum stored varied historic legacies.

Mangrove Forest

This forest is located in the center of Tarakan, precisely at the Gajah Mada street. As a conservation place, this forest serves the viridescent view that freshen the eyes. You could also walk along the ironwood long bridge in this forest. In this forest, you could have a meet and greet session with proboscis monkey (bekantan) - Kalimantan’s typical species that’s also the mascot of Tarakan City.

Other than the stated places, Tarakan is also famous for its marine haul like shrimps and crabs that became a mandatory for you to taste when you’re paying a visit.

From the City of Tarakan, you may continue the journey to the Tajung Selor to visit the White Mountain and Yellow Soil Beach.


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