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If you spend your holiday in Yogyakarta, make sure you spend the first 1-2 days to enjoy the vibrant downtown of this city. There are many local food restaurants, shopping spots and interesting tourist attractions that you can visit. Yogyakarta is the live museum for Indonesian handicrafts, local delicacies, architectures, and art performances. Kraton Yogyakarta, Kota Gede, Pasar Beringharjo, and Taman Sari are one of the few places that you need to visit during your stay in Yogyakarta. Don’t forget to try and taste the famous local food called gudeg.

If you love art performance, you can visit Prambanan temple to see the spectacular Ramayana show. If you’d like to walk around Borobudur temple, we suggest that you start from the morning or stay at one of the places around the complex of this temple. If you want to relax while enjoying the night air in town, take a stroll by using becak (pedicab) from Kraton and along Malioboro. For those of you who like the beach, Parangtritis is one of the beach spots you don’t want to miss. A beautiful beach with rolling waves and breeze is closely associated with the legend of Ratu Kidul (Queen of Kidul). Many people believe that Java is the gate to a magical kingdom ruled by Queen of Kidul that controls the southern ocean. And worry not, most popular beaches in Yogyakarta provides a complete range of facilities such as inns, mosque, public toilets, dining area, and the coast guard. In here, we can also go a little bit adventurous by doing adrenalin sports such as rock climbing, paragliding and hang gliding.


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